Monday, February 22, 2010

Hair Bows for Little Miss

Before I took a hiatus from my sewing room (I haven't seen it in DAYS!), I made these. Actually, I made these on the couch in the living room, so I guess it was after my sewing room hiatus and just before my crafting hiatus.
Nick went to his hometown last weekend to make panhas with his aunts, uncles, and cousins. We stayed home because we're on germ patrol (Gus is having hypospadias repair surgery this week and must be perfectly healthy). I took the opportunity to do a little home remodeling, while my well-intending poo-poo'er was away, and ripped out the cabinets in the kitchen that have so irritated me since we moved in. Next up: building whatever storage unit for the other side of the kitchen, and a table and bench set to eat on. I have a feeling that this is going to be done as a distraction from the gruelling hours of coddling our recovering son that I'm anticipating. Pictures later, I promise.

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