Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's Our Anniversary Today!

Today is Nicholas' and my 3 year wedding anniversary. We didn't have a honeymoon (it came in the form of apartment hunting in Virginia so that we could move) but we had a honeymoon baby! So there have been some rocky parts, but it's been mostly good and the more mountains we climb together, the happier I am that we've stayed together. Let's hope that continues. :)

I LOVE you, Darling!

PS We're spending our anniversary at Pizza Hut with the kids, for a hurried dinner so that we can get to Wed. night church. Isn't that romantic? lol


Amanda @RusticRemnants said...

Happy Anniversary. It sounds like a wonderful life, rocks and all.

Silvia said...

Happy Anniversary Mel!! It was a great wedding and I'm so happy to see your family thriving! You are living the life!!