These weren't meant to be anything special, and it's a good thing! Scuffed already... but that's okay. They took one and a half nap times to make from start to finish. That is, all of my son's nap time this morning (about 1.5 hr) and half of my daughter's this afternoon (1 hr). Not bad for construction and a quick coat of paint (dear Hubby cut the corners for me last night).
The plans were GREAT! Thanks again, Ana at Knock Off Wood!

I'm really not sure what I'm going to do with them. I just knew that I wanted them, and that they'll fit in somehow. I could use them when I do craft shows, EASILY, in 1000 different ways. Or in my sewing room here at home. I have a counter top in my scrap pile in the basement that I'm thinking about mounting on top. Oh, the options! Sawhorse tables are very popular at the moment (not that that's ever mattered to me when it comes to furniture) but I'm not sure where I'd put it. Here's an example from

Maybe now I'll get some sewing done. I have noticed a strong tendency toward woodworking over sewing when I have a project available. This one was eating at me. I can't help it! I'm totally hooked!
Shoot, I totally forgot... TOTAL COST: about $13 (for both). I used paint we had in the basement.
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